Jaques Lacan theory:
I want the film to be about the obsession of one item, I want a character to be fixated on one thing and then eventually when they get it it wasn't worth the effort they went through to get it. Maybe, in the end, I will have the character see something else that grabs their attention and the cycle continues. I want the object to be something to be relatable, something that everyone has had a want for.
Synopsis of Short film:
The main character will be minding his own business until he sees something that will change his life forever. Once he sees someone eating a green lollipop he has been consumed by the want for this particular sweet. he searches high and low for the green sweet but struggles to find the money and where to find them. Once he gets enough money to get the sweet he knows that he needs more. He works more, harder and uncontrollably to find a way to get more money to buy more of this specific candy. After eating all of the green lollipops he regrets the decision and becomes ill from the green lollipop consuming his life. Once experiencing the worst of the sweet he falls out of love with this object and returns back to the bench where we first see him. Once he sits back down we have the same shots as the beginning of the film and then replace the green lollipop with a chocolate bar and then the cycle continues.
Maybe have some found footage of an LSD type trip when he tries the lollipop to further reinforce the addiction he has to the lollipop. Maybe when he gets closer to the Lolipop he could have some more trips which represent that he is getting closer.
Some visual representations that have inspired me:
Black Mirror - Bandersnatch (2018)
Both of these scenes especially the Doctor Stange clip relays heavily on visual effects I will not be mimicking the visual effects used in this scene but the colours used. I really like the amount time is spent in these sequences, it really emphasises all of the colours used.
Some things I want to achieve when shooting:
- the opening shot should be the main character minding their own business and then seeing the desired object and it consuming their thoughts and livelihood. Making it clear that its and over-exaggerated reality that the character is living in.
- wanting something but ultimately when getting it doesn't end up being what expected
- using something that is relatable to everyone
- make it relatable to the younger audience so that its seen as more humorous than serious
- making sure that the main focus of the film is fixated on the wanted object
- maybe use the rig? utilise the equipment at my disposal.
- or keep it handheld so that it seems more grounded in reality
- I want to challenge the technical side of the video and use some track wipes with people walking past the frame
- for the psychedelic scene, I want to challenge my knowledge of colour correcting and change the visuals so that it's unique to the rest of the footage. Maybe having some stock footage mashed up together with my footage and blend them together.

- Maybe turn the opacity down on the stock footage and make it blend with my footage
- I want there to be a variety of different shot types and angles
- When shooting I want there to be multiple angles for the same shot, I will bring another camera to the shoot and get multiple shots of the same scene so I can but between them
For the music I want it to be really low key when it's just focused on the main character. I have chosen Mr Sandman as the song I use because it will fit the tone of the shot as it's very minimal and calm. I want the clothing for the main character to match the song and tone of the shot. I want neutral and muted colours for the main character.
When it's on the girl walking past to be more upbeat and maybe have cinematic bars and colour correction to represent the difference in feeling and emotion that these two characters have. I want her to be dressed in really bright colours and have a very bold colour, maybe green to represent lust and want.
Overall I feel like the shots I got the film to look really nice and have a really good depth of field, it makes you focus on the characters and objects in the shot instead of the surroundings as they aren't important. I used a 70mm lens so that I had a natural shallow depth of field instead of using a regular lens and changing the f stop. Using this lens definitely helped with getting this effect. I got some really nice shots for the film with varying angles and I feel like it made the film better by having lots of alternative shot angles. I varied from establishing shots to a dutch angle. I also used them sparingly instead of putting them in there just for the sake of it. For example, I used the dutch angle in the film when the main character is looking at something squinting his eyes.
I wanted to portray confusion in the shot and I feel like I had. Another thing that helped was having an extra person there to help to film. I got another camera to get some more angles for the same shot. I wanted to do this so that I could eliminate continuity while editing. Editing the film was fun but stressful at the same time because I didn't have enough film so I had to add stock footage to make the trippy sequence look good. I also feel like the trippy sequences could have been shorter and made more straight to the point instead of dragged on.
Synopsis of Short film:
The main character will be minding his own business until he sees something that will change his life forever. Once he sees someone eating a green lollipop he has been consumed by the want for this particular sweet. he searches high and low for the green sweet but struggles to find the money and where to find them. Once he gets enough money to get the sweet he knows that he needs more. He works more, harder and uncontrollably to find a way to get more money to buy more of this specific candy. After eating all of the green lollipops he regrets the decision and becomes ill from the green lollipop consuming his life. Once experiencing the worst of the sweet he falls out of love with this object and returns back to the bench where we first see him. Once he sits back down we have the same shots as the beginning of the film and then replace the green lollipop with a chocolate bar and then the cycle continues.
Maybe have some found footage of an LSD type trip when he tries the lollipop to further reinforce the addiction he has to the lollipop. Maybe when he gets closer to the Lolipop he could have some more trips which represent that he is getting closer.
I found this online and it looks to be a good representation of what I want to have for the trippy sequence.
Black Mirror - Bandersnatch (2018)
Doctor Stange (2016)
Both of these scenes especially the Doctor Stange clip relays heavily on visual effects I will not be mimicking the visual effects used in this scene but the colours used. I really like the amount time is spent in these sequences, it really emphasises all of the colours used.
Some things I want to achieve when shooting:
- the opening shot should be the main character minding their own business and then seeing the desired object and it consuming their thoughts and livelihood. Making it clear that its and over-exaggerated reality that the character is living in.
- wanting something but ultimately when getting it doesn't end up being what expected
- using something that is relatable to everyone
- make it relatable to the younger audience so that its seen as more humorous than serious
- making sure that the main focus of the film is fixated on the wanted object
- maybe use the rig? utilise the equipment at my disposal.
- or keep it handheld so that it seems more grounded in reality
- I want to challenge the technical side of the video and use some track wipes with people walking past the frame
- for the psychedelic scene, I want to challenge my knowledge of colour correcting and change the visuals so that it's unique to the rest of the footage. Maybe having some stock footage mashed up together with my footage and blend them together.

- Maybe turn the opacity down on the stock footage and make it blend with my footage
- I want there to be a variety of different shot types and angles
- When shooting I want there to be multiple angles for the same shot, I will bring another camera to the shoot and get multiple shots of the same scene so I can but between them

Final film:
Overall I feel like the shots I got the film to look really nice and have a really good depth of field, it makes you focus on the characters and objects in the shot instead of the surroundings as they aren't important. I used a 70mm lens so that I had a natural shallow depth of field instead of using a regular lens and changing the f stop. Using this lens definitely helped with getting this effect. I got some really nice shots for the film with varying angles and I feel like it made the film better by having lots of alternative shot angles. I varied from establishing shots to a dutch angle. I also used them sparingly instead of putting them in there just for the sake of it. For example, I used the dutch angle in the film when the main character is looking at something squinting his eyes.
I wanted to portray confusion in the shot and I feel like I had. Another thing that helped was having an extra person there to help to film. I got another camera to get some more angles for the same shot. I wanted to do this so that I could eliminate continuity while editing. Editing the film was fun but stressful at the same time because I didn't have enough film so I had to add stock footage to make the trippy sequence look good. I also feel like the trippy sequences could have been shorter and made more straight to the point instead of dragged on.