Tuesday, 22 October 2019

British New Wave video essay

Video essay script:


During the 1970s, young and inspired directors all across France started a movement in film making. It was named The New Wave and it changed the way filmmakers create a film. The French New wave changed the way people film especially inexperienced at directing. This offered a fresh view of storytelling in the industry. With this, it also offered lots of different techniques that mainstream didn't use but the new wave capitalised off of these. It gave the new films a style that stuck throughout all of the films coming from these new eager directors. Labelled in the late 50’s early 60’s as films kept the same as everything else in culture was changing 

The British New Wave came from the success of the French New Wave. The French New Wave acted as a benchmark for the film at the time and did a complete 180 on the mainstream film industry. New Wave had lots of stand out characteristics, for example, having unknown actors. They were very different from mainstream films at the time. They were not looking for mainstream success. The new wave saturated the market of filming, through these techniques the press recognised the filmmaking skills at the time and didn't go unnoticed. 

"I was working backstage in Liverpool playing for small projects..." - play interview clip

Breaking the fourth wall.

Alfie clip when he talks to the viewer

Facing taboo subjects

Play a synopsis for a taste of honey 

Unmotivated camera movements 

Play clip from a taste of honey with an unmotivated camera movement 

British New Wave directors have similarities with each other as they all wanted to do the same thing, to stand out. Visually they all looked similar but had their own personalities. Through their stand out personalities, they had similarities, a taboo narrative was the main similarity. Because all of the new wave directors wanted to all standout they implemented real-life taboo subjects so that audiences can relate and have a deeper understanding

The British New Wave video essay:

To conclude the new wave video essay I felt like I set the scene well with the context of the time with lots of footage and news reports of the time. The song I used was very popular at the time and links well with the time. The clips I used for the examples of the film I studied were good for me expressing points as they showed the viewer what I was talking about. Overall the video is a good representation of the time but the commentary that I used could have been improved on. The script that I used didn't get used to its full potential. When recording the audio I didn't follow it completely and some sentences were unusable as I would say them wrong. As this was my first voice over for an essay the nerve got to me and ruined some good points I had purely by not saying them right. When reviewing the audio back I should have gone back and re-recorded the parts that I did wrong.

Overall I felt like the video essay expresses how the New wave impacted the rest of the world and the ripple effect it had on the modern era of film.     

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